Here are videos of mind-body self-care techniques we use and recommend. Seeing results from survivors and practitioners is a great way to see how these resources can work for you and those you care about.
FREA Videos
Self-care techniques
Self-care techniques

Calming Head Hold

Thymus Thump

Destress Gamut Point

Self-Care Videos
On this channel you will find a selection of videos demonstrating self care techniques for survivors of sexual abuse, as well as care givers. A companion handout is also available for each technique in the Resources Page.
FREA Channel
FREA Channel

Therapist's talk about FREA

A Support Tool for Professionals

Lydia's Recovery
FREA Trainings and Interviews
On this channel you will find a selection of interviews and testimonials from practitioners working with and supporting the needs of survivors of sexual abuse.
This video is from an interview with a community advocate working with survivors of domestic abuse. Learning to further heal her own traumas was an unexpected benefit to her participation in a workshop on self-care.
This short clip is from an interview with a community outreach advocate working with survivors of domestic abuse. She response to training she receives speaks for itself.
An Advocate’s One Day Training
This video is from an interview with a community outreach advocate working with survivors of domestic abuse.
A Support Tool for Professionals
This video is from an interview with a community safety advocate working with survivors of domestic abuse.
Therapist Juli Steinocher conceives of a training and delivers to it a local community service organization supporting survivors of sexual abuse in Florida.
John Freedom discusses Forgiveness, EFT Tapping, A Course in Miracles, and what to do when you cannot forgive.
In this video three licensed therapists working with survivors of sexual abuse give their thoughts on what FREA offers other therapists, community service organizations, survivors of trauma.
Speaking on Sexual Trauma-Informed Awareness
Psychologist Kristin Miller speaks about advances in sexual abuse diagnosis and care for survivors of sexual abuse.
Support for Community Organizations
Psychologist Holly Timberlake speaks about FREA's support for community organizations servicing survivors of domestic violence and sexual abuse.