At FREA, we believe it’s important to regain a sense of control and safety after experiencing traumatic events. One important step towards that goal is to learn about and use personal protection strategies and tools that are easily incorporated into your daily living routine.
As you learn about and use personal protection tools and methods, you’ll likely strengthen your “sixth sense” and mindset for staying safe. This will help you listen to and trust your inner wisdom voice.
What You’ll Learn:
Our Stay Safe posts will give you the tools, tips, and information to help you be and feel safe in your home, at work or school, while online, when traveling, and when meeting new people. Staying safe and feeling safe are important in everyone’s recovery journey.
In the weeks ahead, we’ll be covering topics such as:
How to see the names, addresses, and photographs of convicted sex offenders in the U.S. who live and work in your neighborhood
The current practices for registration of convicted sex offenders around the globe
Smart phone apps that help keep you safe (and how to use them)
What to avoid posting on social media sites
Safety measures for online dating
Resources for crime victims
How to travel safely; and,
Lots, lots more.
If you have a question about staying safe, a suggestion for a post, or would like to share a resource add a comment below.
Stay Safe,
Steve Carter
Stephen Carter is a former chief of police, defensive tactics instructor, corporate security director, and international speaker who has taught thousands of people how to safeguard their homes, travel safely, and protect themselves online. In addition, he is the CEO of Stress Solutions, LLC, a company dedicated to helping everyone achieve optimum health and emotional well-being.